african freelancers rates

How to get more freelance gigs from past clients

by Mariam Ayodeji   We all know that it is expensive and time-consuming to win new clients because you have to invest in marketing, prepare yourself all over again, and work on your business development continuously. With all this, we tend to forget that the source of our revenue is right underneath our noses and.

7 Tips on Picking a Freelance Niche

by Mariam Ayodeji   Are you just venturing into freelancing or you have started the journey of freelancing already? Then, I am sure you have heard of niches. People talk about them all the time; what niche should I pick? What are the best niches out there for a freelancer, and whether you even need.


Negotiating freelance rates is one of the integral skills any freelancer must have, especially in this 21st century where a lot of employers do not mind employing the services of freelancers for a token worth nothing compared to the value received. Therefore, freelancers have to be wise, smart and intentional about demanding their worth without.

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