Tips for a newbie social media manager

Being a Social media manager is a long shot if you want to become a pro; it takes time, patience, and creating new strategies on a daily basis to become top notch in the game.

Here are a few tips you should consider if you are a Social media manager newbie:

1. To become a social media manager you should have a flair for writing, no writing, no social media. The first thing you should be is a writer because words matter good writing can boost your engagement and you should be able to write well.

2. Use scheduling tools: This may seem irrelevant but trust me when I say having a social media calendar can help you around your schedule. It helps you keep your thoughts organized and sets your agenda for the page you are managing.

3. Analytics and reporting: When managing a social media page what comes to mind is how to get a return in investment right! (ROI) Every business is result driven, so you need to get results from the page you are managing. Being able to prove a return on investment is a must-have skill for a social media manager.

4. Be real: You must be wondering how does this relate to social media management, I will tell you how, Do not copy what other people are doing on their page, although that does not mean you can’t get ideas from them. You are new to the game don’t mount pressure on yourself.
You will definitely find what works for you, so no need to copy others. BE AUTHENTIC WITH YOUR CONTENT!

5. Research and Planning: This is a key component to hold onto as a social media manager. You should be able to carry out research. After all, you can’t tailor content to your audience if you do not know who they are or what they want. Plus you have to make sure all your data and ideas come from a credible source.

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