Do Freelancers Need CVs?

Freelancers; whether freelance writers, graphic designers, social media managers, web developers, etc. often apply for good jobs without using their CVs in the application process. However, some employers or clients request for CVs when freelancers apply for freelance jobs.

This brings us to the question, “Do freelancers need CVs?”

Do Freelancers Need CVs?

Before we ask if freelancers need CVs or not, here are some of the many benefits of having a CV as a freelancer:

  1. It helps you document your work history: a CV simply helps someone document his or her work history, educational background, skills, etc. Employers/clients want to know what you have done, for how long, and who you have worked with in the past. As a freelancer, your CV will help give a prospective client or an employer a view of your works in a co-ordinated or well-arranged manner.
  2. It helps you explain your skills and how you can be of help: your CV can also help you tell a prospective client about your skills and how you can help the client with your skills.
  3. It helps the client know the kinds of projects you have worked on in the past: with your CV, the prospective client might get an idea or brief details of several projects you have worked on in the past, which as a result can also help show your competence.

With these points, it is obvious that a freelancer needs to have his or her CV.

And so, here are some tips for your writing your CV as a freelancer:

  1. Research on templates for freelancers: as a freelancer, you probably have a lot of clients you have worked with in the past, and so, in order not to make your CV look clumsy, you need to write your CV effectively. You can research on how to write a freelancer’s CV or how to write CVs for freelancers, to get tips on how to craft your CV.
  2. Talk about your skills: your freelancer’s CV also need to show those skills you are good at and how you can be of help to the client or employer.
  3. Talk about results: you also need to explain the results you were able to achieve while working on several projects. Most clients like to know the results or how you were able to help a company or business.
  4. Separate freelance works from your past full-time positions: for instance, as a freelancer, who has worked in full-time positions before, when writing your CV, you can add a section titled ‘Freelance Works’ or any other suitable term to separate your past full-time jobs from your freelance jobs. here, you will talk about your freelance works and brief descriptions of them.
  5. Include the names of the businesses you worked with: Don’t just write what you did, without naming the business, company, or client. This is so as to add credibility to your CVs.
  6. Include a link to your portfolio: your portfolio speaks for itself, and it is one of the important things you need when applying for a job.
  7. Go straight to the point and keep it simple.
  8. Training: Don’t forget to include the training you have done in relation to the job you are applying for, as well as in your other areas of skill.

As a freelancer, do you have a CV? Kindly let us know in the comment box below.

What do you think? Do freelancers need CVs?

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