
Comparison has helped freelancers in…

I’m still waiting for you to complete that statement, if you have an answer that is; because I don’t. While meeting with other people who do the same thing as you (or within the same niche), invariably, comparison rears its ugly head, and thoughts such as this begin to come into your mind: “Maybe they’re.

Dear Freelancer: What Inspires/Refuels You?

Those who inspire need the most inspiration As the month runs to an end, many of us might have drained our creative juices on tasks, and can’t wait to break away from our routines, even if only for a day or two. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as in fact, it is deemed.

Blogging and Freelancing as a Part-time Freelancer

It is very true to say that a good number of Freelance Writers are into Blogging and also, a high percentage of these good numbers are Part-time Freelancers. So, is that a bad thing? No! What then is Part-time Freelancing? Part-time Freelancing is the opposite of Full-time Freelancing. It means having a 9 – 5.

How to easily get Freelance writing jobs in Nigeria

Nigeria commands a number of firsts in sub-Saharan Africa. For starters, she has the largest population on the continent. This fact makes her a top destination for businesses and foreign investors. Internet penetration in Nigeria is also on the rise. This increase has brought about a new vista of jobs and careers, notable among them.

The Employer-Freelancer Code

Yes! You read right! There is an Employer-Freelancer code or should I just say there really should be an Employer-Freelancer code? Because in my mind, I like to believe there is one and just because it is invincible doesn’t mean it’s not existing.  What is an Employer-Freelancer Code? An Employer-Freelancer Code is simply that piece.

How to Manage your Long-Distance Clients

Finding clients and managing them is one of the most talked about issues in freelancing. Many blogs and freelancing sites have a lot of helpful information on this issue, however, very few provide content on how to manage long-distance clients or long distance relationships (since this isn’t a website about love or marriage, I’m sure.

Some Jobs are Hard!

This is me ranting. Mostly because the jobs I’ve had to do within the last one month have been HARD. Like super-duper HARD! Headache-generating HARD! Things which I really had to go out of my comfort zone to do adequate research on and which at the end of the day, make me hit my bed.

How to get more freelance jobs this month

So you are a Freelancer. You are basking in the euphoria of being in charge of your time, resources and schedule. For the sole aim of providing services to clients at agreed fees and commissions. You are also in the freelance business because aside pursuing your passion with it, you also expect to earn a.

How to deal with uncooperative clients

A couple of months ago, a friend of mine who is a freelance writer paid a visit to me. We exchanged pleasantries and began to talk about various issues. Not too long in the discussion, I asked about his freelance business and his reply was rather surprising. He told me that it wasn’t going smoothly.

What is Freelance Photography? All you Need to Know

  Freelance Photography entails submitting pictures for sale, on a per contract basis. Instead of working for an employer or boss, a freelance photographer can work for many clients on different projects.   Photography also functions as a living art. The feeling that comes from capturing moments in time, that would otherwise have been lost.

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