
This Is How Not to Pass Up Opportunities in Freelancing!

One of the most notable drawbacks of gaining experience in any field, is the risk of work getting monotonous, uninteresting, rote. There seems to be no new challenge, no new imprint, and since things are going on the way they have always been going, you keep doing the regular things, in the self-same regular way..

5 Ways To Avoid Being Broke As A Freelancer

    Being broke!   Something no one ever wants to be, freelancer- or not. If it doesn’t refer to a broken plate or cup, and hopefully not a broken heart, no one wants to be broke. More so, in freelancing, when you don’t really have someone giving you a paycheck every month, and you.

Dear freelancer, stop underestimating yourself. Your time. Your skill-sets.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”- Dr Seuss As a burgeoning freelancer, it could be pretty hard- especially when you’re at the bottom rungs of the ladder to earn the big bucks. These, are seemingly reserved for the guys at the top,.

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