
Why You Shouldn’t be Insecure about Your Writing

I happen to know a lot of writers. Some traits can be smelt (detected) a mile away, and one of them is passion. One other “sniffable” trait? Insecurity. I have attempted to piece together reasons for this state of insecurity, and one reason which comes up frequently is rejection. There is something immensely creative about.

Some Days are Dull

How Should a Freelancer Deal with Dry Spells? As much as there are days filled with jobs, jobs and more jobs, there are also some terribly dry days in freelancing. One freelancer calls it the land of Peaks and Pits. The peaks are those never –ending days filled with jobs, while the pits are those.


One of the inexhaustible topic areas in Writing and Freelance is Inspiration and this is because it is what fuels Freelance/Writing like petrol to a car. More reason there is and always will be new angles to anything said or written about this topic because it is that topic that never goes away. There is.

5 useful tips for every student freelancer

If I had a dollar for every time I hear a university student make the statement “I’m broke”, I would be a close competition to world’s richest man Bill Gates. Maybe I would have built a university. Being a student requires hard work and for most university students, one of the biggest problems of schooling.

Dear Freelancer: What Inspires/Refuels You?

Those who inspire need the most inspiration As the month runs to an end, many of us might have drained our creative juices on tasks, and can’t wait to break away from our routines, even if only for a day or two. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as in fact, it is deemed.

African Writers Meet 17 -Learn, network and pitch your dreams!

“There are a few opportunities in Nigeria, where budding writers, bloggers, authors, content writers, and poets can come together to network, learn from mentors and pitch their dreams to people that have the power to propel their careers into a quick start. The African Writers as an organization was created to bring these writers together.

Blogging and Freelancing as a Part-time Freelancer

It is very true to say that a good number of Freelance Writers are into Blogging and also, a high percentage of these good numbers are Part-time Freelancers. So, is that a bad thing? No! What then is Part-time Freelancing? Part-time Freelancing is the opposite of Full-time Freelancing. It means having a 9 – 5.

How to easily get Freelance writing jobs in Nigeria

Nigeria commands a number of firsts in sub-Saharan Africa. For starters, she has the largest population on the continent. This fact makes her a top destination for businesses and foreign investors. Internet penetration in Nigeria is also on the rise. This increase has brought about a new vista of jobs and careers, notable among them.

The Employer-Freelancer Code

Yes! You read right! There is an Employer-Freelancer code or should I just say there really should be an Employer-Freelancer code? Because in my mind, I like to believe there is one and just because it is invincible doesn’t mean it’s not existing.  What is an Employer-Freelancer Code? An Employer-Freelancer Code is simply that piece.

Dear Writer: When the Platform is Familiar. . .

Dealing with a familiar platform can be a challenging thing to do in Freelancing because it tends to lead to what can be referred to as a breach of professionalism. What is a familiar platform? A platform is familiar when the founder/curator of the platform is known to you either as a friend, acquaintance or.

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