Freelance Jobs

A Look at how Freelancers deal with Distractions

We all experience it, that strong desire to take a little pause from your laptop because you just do not have the strength to continue- no not really, because your friends just came over and there’s this really hot gist! And so you discover, 5 hours after, that you didn’t switch off your laptop, yet.

3 Types of Scammers Freelancers Need to Avoid

Freelancing might sometimes look hard, scammers even make it harder. The bad news is that they are everywhere. On content mills, bidding sites, Craig lists and job boards. They have devised new ways to con away both your time and money. The question is–how do you tell that a client is a scammer and how.

What’s your Favourite Freelance Job Site?

Dear freelancer, it is time for us to help each other in this freelance business! Let us support each other. Drop a link of your favourite freelance job site below so that others can benefit! You too can find out about new cool ones you never knew about! Let’s do this!

Freelance Job Picks (2)

Dear African freelancers, here are some freelance jobs you can check out: Home content typing job (Location of Job Post: Nigeria). Click here to apply: Freelance Insurance Marketer (Location of Job Post: Nigeria). Click here to apply: Freelance Writers (Location of Job post: South Africa). Click here to apply: Freelance footwear models (Location.

4 Ways to get Freelance Gigs Offline

Sometimes when we hear about getting freelance jobs, the thing that comes to our mind is getting them online. However, do you know that you can get lots of freelance jobs offline as well? I got some of my freelance jobs offline, and you too can! However, whenever you are preparing to go out and.

How to Create Great Content that Gets Amazingly many Pageviews and Linked to

I am a freelance blogger. That means that on most times, I depend on my blog for affiliate sales, gigs from direct clients who come across my blog and like my writing style and hire me to do the same on their blogs.  Of late, I have been wondering what makes a blog post a.

…Remind yourself that you can be real enough, you don’t have to hold back, no one is scoring you!

This is an aftermath of my last post on getting a freelance diary. You can read my post on why you need a freelance diary by clicking here. Ok, so a friend and I had a conversation, which he has permitted me to share, and it went thus: ‘Freelance diary? Please explain it to me.’.

Maximizing the Dropbox App: Do you backup your Documents?

As a Writer, one of the things we do little to no justice to is safeguarding our works and protecting them from getting lost. Most often times than not, we find ourselves more concerned about protecting our works from being plagiarized coupled with fighting unauthorized use of our works which is good only if we.

Why you Need a Freelance Diary

Document an event and you have an event to reckon with forever. Have you ever written something and fast-forward to a few days/weeks/months/years after and it seems like ‘What? Did I actually pen that down?’ That is the concept of a freelance diary. A freelance diary is a (small) book, which details all of your.

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