Freelance Jobs

I Will not Quit Freelance Writing

The last two weeks have been unkind and turbulent to me. Two of my main writing accounts were closed indefinitely and this threw me off balance. One of this was, an article marketplace owned by Spike Wyatt where I used to sell my articles as well as earn from referrals. Spike closed the site.

6 Simple Online Invoicing Tool you should know

How many times do we do a job for a client and he or she tells us to send an invoice, and then you think; ‘invoice ke?’ Do you hear the statement ‘send an invoice’, and you think ‘oh no! no need for all these na, just send me my payment’? We know that feeling..

Want to drop a Free Writing Gig? Here are some things you need to Consider

It wouldn’t be stereotyping neither would it be an exaggeration to say that most freelancers developed their portfolios doing a lot of freebies than they got paid at the inception and growing stage of their freelance career and also it won’t be an assumption to say that most budding freelancers in this century have little.

Challenging the Writer’s Block

On a totally unrelated note, I’m a feeler, a deep feeler who happens to be a doer, as well. Maybe, just maybe, this isn’t totally unrelated to today’s post. As I wear my headset to listen to certain songs this noon, I instantly feel a jog coming. I want, so badly, to put on my.

12 Ways Freelancers can get More Clients

“How can I get more clients?” This is perhaps one of the most asked questions by freelancers all over the world. Getting clients as a freelancer is one of the important things in someone’s freelance business. Bills have got to be paid. We need to get paid for what we love doing, we need people.

10 things to Note for your Next Job Email Interview

One of the types of job interviews freelancers are familiar with is the mail interview.  This is because most of the job interviews conducted for freelancers are done virtually, and one of such ways is through mail interviews. For a client to conduct a job interview for you via mail, there are some things you.

The Take-It-All Syndrome: When it is Overworking and not Laziness

Hello Fellow Freelancers, Based on experience, I have come to realize that one of the most undermined situations in freelancing as a young and budding freelancer is Overworking. Sometimes it can be pretty difficult to differentiate when one is being overworked and when the situation is laziness. This simply means that at a point in.

Freelance Job Picks (Vol. 1)

Hello, African freelancers, we have added a whole lot of new sections of the website for your benefit, and one of the new sections we added is ‘Freelance Job Picks’ where we curate freelance jobs we found online for you. Isn’t that exciting? Here is our first ever freelance job picks: Freelance Writer needed at.

Dear freelancer, stop underestimating yourself. Your time. Your skill-sets.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”- Dr Seuss As a burgeoning freelancer, it could be pretty hard- especially when you’re at the bottom rungs of the ladder to earn the big bucks. These, are seemingly reserved for the guys at the top,.

5 Unique Ways you can get Freelance Jobs on Social Media

It might interest you to know that people get lots of freelance jobs on social media. In fact, I have gotten several freelance gigs on social media. How is this so? One of the things you can do in this case is to research, and not just research, but be creative with your search. In.

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