side hustle

5 useful tips for every student freelancer

If I had a dollar for every time I hear a university student make the statement “I’m broke”, I would be a close competition to world’s richest man Bill Gates. Maybe I would have built a university. Being a student requires hard work and for most university students, one of the biggest problems of schooling.

Comparison has helped freelancers in…

I’m still waiting for you to complete that statement, if you have an answer that is; because I don’t. While meeting with other people who do the same thing as you (or within the same niche), invariably, comparison rears its ugly head, and thoughts such as this begin to come into your mind: “Maybe they’re.

Dear Freelancer: What Inspires/Refuels You?

Those who inspire need the most inspiration As the month runs to an end, many of us might have drained our creative juices on tasks, and can’t wait to break away from our routines, even if only for a day or two. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as in fact, it is deemed.

Blogging and Freelancing as a Part-time Freelancer

It is very true to say that a good number of Freelance Writers are into Blogging and also, a high percentage of these good numbers are Part-time Freelancers. So, is that a bad thing? No! What then is Part-time Freelancing? Part-time Freelancing is the opposite of Full-time Freelancing. It means having a 9 – 5.

Ever Felt a Disconnect between you and your Work? Read this.

The thing, with storytelling- as with other forms of art, is its un-intending effect upon consumers of literature (and other forms of art). In the undecidedly cunning manner of art, people are bound to lower their guards and allow themselves to experience what they perceive to be something exterior; that is, the lives of others.

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