african content writers


Yes! You read right! This is one topic no one really talks about and I’ve discovered from my experience that this is where it starts! Your first freelance job has a way of determining how it happens from there on; it has a way of shaping everything that follows – how you view Freelance, your.


Pricing/Charging a Client may be one of the trickiest things to do in Freelance if not properly planned. That is, in situations where a Freelancer is not on top of his/her game when it comes to placing a financial value on the job to be done, he/she could be taken advantage of by the Client..

The Rise of Freelancers in Africa

One of the major problems facing African countries is the escalating rate of unemployment. Nigeria, which has the highest rate of unemployment, for example, recorded an outrageous number of 11 million unemployed people in 2017. This figure continues to increase with the rise in population leaving thousands of youths jobless and unemployed. However, times are.

Branding 101 for Freelancers

Many companies today can be described in one sentence sometimes even a word. You name a company and a picture comes straight to your mind, this is the effect of branding. These companies have worked over the years to develop their brand, by painting themselves in a particular manner so that the public will associate.

5 useful tips for every student freelancer

If I had a dollar for every time I hear a university student make the statement “I’m broke”, I would be a close competition to world’s richest man Bill Gates. Maybe I would have built a university. Being a student requires hard work and for most university students, one of the biggest problems of schooling.

African Writers Meet 17 -Learn, network and pitch your dreams!

“There are a few opportunities in Nigeria, where budding writers, bloggers, authors, content writers, and poets can come together to network, learn from mentors and pitch their dreams to people that have the power to propel their careers into a quick start. The African Writers as an organization was created to bring these writers together.

How to easily get Freelance writing jobs in Nigeria

Nigeria commands a number of firsts in sub-Saharan Africa. For starters, she has the largest population on the continent. This fact makes her a top destination for businesses and foreign investors. Internet penetration in Nigeria is also on the rise. This increase has brought about a new vista of jobs and careers, notable among them.

The Employer-Freelancer Code

Yes! You read right! There is an Employer-Freelancer code or should I just say there really should be an Employer-Freelancer code? Because in my mind, I like to believe there is one and just because it is invincible doesn’t mean it’s not existing.  What is an Employer-Freelancer Code? An Employer-Freelancer Code is simply that piece.

How to Manage your Long-Distance Clients

Finding clients and managing them is one of the most talked about issues in freelancing. Many blogs and freelancing sites have a lot of helpful information on this issue, however, very few provide content on how to manage long-distance clients or long distance relationships (since this isn’t a website about love or marriage, I’m sure.

How to get more freelance jobs this month

So you are a Freelancer. You are basking in the euphoria of being in charge of your time, resources and schedule. For the sole aim of providing services to clients at agreed fees and commissions. You are also in the freelance business because aside pursuing your passion with it, you also expect to earn a.

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