
Why a Freelancer needs a Portfolio

One of the things that a freelancer hears a lot when applying for a freelance job or when talking to a prospective client is this – “send me samples of your work”. A freelancer or even someone who isn’t a freelancer ought to have a well-kept record of his or her works. And one of.

Useful tools for Freelancers (1)

It is no longer news that as a freelancer, your tools are important. You need to use relevant tools to accomplish some of your tasks; whether you are a writer, a social media manager, or a graphic designer, you need to use tools that will help you work effectively and efficiently.   And so, we.

Tips for building your professional network as a freelancer

As a freelancer, whether you are a freelance writer, graphic designer, web developer, social media manager, etc., one of the things you need to do is to build your professional network. Building your professional network will benefit your freelance career in so many ways, and doing that is one of the things you shouldn’t overlook..

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